i had it 2 years ago. nerve block was fine until it wore off. worst pain i have ever had. mind numbing. felt like someone was taking a dremel to my shoulder bone while pulling my arm out of the socket. and thats no schit and i ain't no stranger to pain. my mistake was i fell asleep before block wore off and by the time it wore off the pain had started. wife hid my pain pills and i had to wake her up and force her to give them to me. (she was concerned about addiction). i pounded 3 and went right asleep. woke up and pain was just as bad. i was counting the pills, almost crying trying to figure out how long they would last until the dr opened again. it gradually subsided but it was bad, bad, bad for about 2 days. dead shoulder for a month and then once therapy started it hurt like a mofo. did therapy for 4-5 months and regained most function but it still hurts if i use it much in certain positions. was it worth it? i'm not really sure. i waited 6 months for it to get better and never did so i got operated on. not sure i would do it again. sorry to be "that guy" but you asked.

ya editing this to clarify maybe a bit. yes its better than it was and probably would have ever been. it is not near what it was before though so that clouds my opinion a bit. and after thinking about it, ya i'd probably do it again. it just suck to get in that condition in the first place. simple dumb ass accident that will affect me for the rest of my life. but this being thanksgiving, i am thankful it wasn't worse and i know others who have it much much worse than me.

Last edited by rem141r; 11/28/19.

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