Originally Posted by Huntz
I saw a Surgeon about a tear in my rotator cuff.No surprise ,he said surgery was the only answer.A friend of mine is a family practitioner.He wrote me a prescription for physical therapy.I am back to about 90% of what I was before I was hurt.I would try that first before I let someone cut on me who maybe needs a down payment on a new SUV.

There is alot of truth to that..To many doctors just go straight to shoulder surgery without trying anything else first..My first doctor did just that,skipping everything for an MRI with surgery after..Not even a common X-Ray which will not show actual tares but it will show other things common with a tare..My second doctor is just the opposite,let's try this or that and is not in a hurry to start cutting away...

My wife fell for the cut first and ask later as many others do..Not me...I do have a rotor cuff tare and it does hurt but I am trying other stuff before going under the knife..The Cortisone shot killed 99.9% of the pain I had and I am happy I went that route first..