Bigfoot. In the mid 60's I was working on a high lead job just north of the Hoopa Rez in Northern Calif. Our yarder was working about a mile southeast of where the most famous Bigfoot photo was supposedly taken. The "photo", black and white grainy, unfocused, indecipherable, shows some idiot in a gorilla suit throwing a supposedly full barrel of hydraulic oil over the bank. This photo spurred innumerable articles, with "picture proof" in True and Argosy magazines, and some famous English explorer mounted an expedition into the area searching for Bigfoot. Several things bothered us about the tale, the 55 gal barrel was about 1/4 full of drain oil, any Kodak Instamatic could have taken a decent photo, the footprints were too uniform (in fairness, they were well trampled by the time I got to see them) and one of the staunchest tale tellers was a guy known as a legendary practical joker. However, fun is fun, and to this day, the Six Rivers Natl Forest maps designate that drainage as, you guessed it, Big Foot Cr. If you are a believer, you can mount your very own expedition, section 33, T 11 N, R 4 E. Let me know what you find.

Well this is a fine pickle we're in, should'a listened to Joe McCarthy and George Orwell I guess.