Come boys, be nice to Fester...He heard something in the woods that scared him white...It happens.

Unexplained sounds that wake you up in the middle of a good sleep....Example...The sound of a revolver cylinder being closed to hard...One eye opens, it’s dark, hallway light lets you see your wife standing at the foot of your bed, her bottle of crazy pills in her one hand, several of the pills are stuck to her wet lips and tear stained cheek...

She’s trying to say something, but you can’t make out her words cuz she’s trying to chew her crazy pills while mumbling something at you, that matters to her...

Your brain says it’s just a dream, go back to sleep... Your guts are saying wake the fûck up! this bitch is gonna shoot you...Yeah, sounds have meaning and can be very scary.


Curiosity Killed the Cat & The Prairie Dog
“Molon Labe”