… Alot of rifleman and gun writers get into this habit to romanticize and sensationalize the 30-06. It's some sort of brown-nosing, group thing. Irregardless of who's in that group, I'd never be without a 9.3, no matter how many boxes of 30-06 ammo are on the shelves. The 30-06 is one boring cartridge. Great for deer and humans, but marginal for everything else ..

What is this. Why need to wrote something like this that aint true at any point.

Just put down moose with my 30-06 T3x. One shot to lungs and it drop to it stands.
When TTSX hit to it look like big hammer hit it and it cant go anywhere. Bullet goes
throw, lungs was totaly destroyed.

Month ago i have in place where my hunting buddy shot little smaller moose with his 9.3.
Nice shot but moose keeps going not far but keeps going.

These two shots 30-06 done job better than 9.3 (no need to romanticize and sensationalize the 9.3)

Ridiculous to write 30-06 is only good for deer and humans.