A few years back, Doug the owner of the hardware store down in Talkeetna, shot a man with a 30-06 180 grain remington cor-lokt.

Doug mistaken Eric's brown gloves as black tail deer antlers in his rifle scope. He hit Eric center mass and the bullet exited. Eric Had enough lung left to breath-in and yell: YOU SHOT ME!

Eric didnt bleed out and made a full recovery. He's a late 50's Anchorage guy. Old Alaskan men are tough, but not tougher than big bull moose and bear.

What a one sad shooting story good that the man did not die.

It seems that Old Alaskan are much toughter than 670lbs moose.

It looks that some one cant get man killed via 30-06 but some one can drop 670lbs via one shot it stands.

50000 mooses put down here yearly and most with 308.

Iam not taking nothing from 9.3 and can use it myself too. But i choose 30-06 and like it.

30-06 has flatter bullet trajectory and more long range muzzle power than 9.3.

You can shoot thirty-aught-six over 4000J muzzle much more than deer and humans not poor Alaska man shooting story take away that.