I carry in church. I also evaluated my normal seat and decided that center aisle, 3 pews forward of the main entrance wasn't the best spot to sit. So I moved to an outside aisle, right in front of a large pillar. Solid cover behind me and

We also had our local police chief do a walk through of the building, he made several suggestions to make the building somewhat more secure. We also gave the cops a set of blueprints to our building, they put them into their computer system. Should a problem arise, they have some idea of the building layout.

We also had a breakfast meeting with our ushers and an officer gave a presentation on perpetrators and what to look for. We have also discussed other emergencies like a fire, a heart attack, or tornado to name a few.

We referred to it as emergency preparedness, not 'a church shooter' since the other stuff is more likely to occur.


This space for rent