Originally Posted by The_Real_Hawkeye
Originally Posted by JamesJr

Tom, I was raised in a Southern Baptist church, one grandfather a pastor, the other a deacon. My wife was a Methodist, not the modern day UMC kind, but the old fashioned kind. We've attended both churches during the past 50 years, mostly the Methodist, currently the Baptist. The Methodist church had a woman pastor, and I refused to go for several years because of that very reason. I am 100% certain she was a very good Christian person, and eventually I did go back to church where she was. Having said that, she was a poor leader, and that is part of what a good pastor should be..........leader of the flock.

Baptists don't have female pastors, and the church I attend is very much male dominated. I believe that there will be as many women in Heaven as there will be men, most likely more because women are usually more religious. I also believe that while the Bible tells us that a man should be the head of his household, I believe that it was not meant for a man to relegate a woman to second tier status. I believe that should apply in church as well. I believe a woman can pray for my soul just as well as man can, and I also believe that there are many places in the church where a woman can serve just as well as any man can. Having said that, I believe that just as a man is the head of his household, provided he is fit to be, I believe a man should also lead the church family.

That does not mean that a woman cannot be a church leader, or even a pastor, it just means that in an ideal situation, men should lead. As I age, I see things a lot more clearer than I once did, and in particular, religion and my relationship with God. I have my opinions, and they're probably not always right, but I also am beginning to realize that it's not always in my best interest to pass judgment on things that I have no business sticking my nose into. That would probably include a church that has a woman as pastor.

So you disagree with the Word of God on this point?

TRH...........you're twisting it around, just like you do about the Holocaust. What I'm saying it is that I have enough worry with keeping myself on course to worry about what someone does.