Originally Posted by Tyrone
The presence of law requires that there be those who follow it as well as those who enforce it in order for it to actually be law.

Kinda... kinda not.

The beauty of the Gospel is that God has borne the penalty of our lawlessness upon Himself in the form of His Son.

The law keeping one does after he has received this gift is out of gratitude.

The reminding I do toward my brother is out of loving concern for his walk with our Lord. It’s God who enforces.

I consider attendance to worship necessary because I’m prone to rationalize all sorts of things and need faithful brothers & sisters to remind me when I’m off. Unlike Magnum Bob up above I have no qualms about who I’d be worshipping were I to keep company only with myself on the Lord’s Day.

Ps- I see by the reference you were getting at civil enforcement I get where you’re coming from now thanks