Originally Posted by The_Real_Hawkeye
Originally Posted by JamesJr
Originally Posted by The_Real_Hawkeye
I didn't twist your words. I asked for clarification. See the question mark? Not asserting anything. Asking.

The word of God is very plain..........men should be the head of their household and the head of their church. But, does that mean that women should have no role, or not even be allowed to open their mouths in church.........and there are churches that believe that.

I know what Paul said about women in the church, but I also know that some of the first supporters of Jesus were women. Mary Magdalene, Joanna, and Susanna all accompanied Jesus and helped in his early discipleship, and we know it was women who went to the tomb and discovered He had risen................so to dismiss the role women played is wrong.

Where have I said any of that?? Of course women have a huge role to play. But not in leadership positions over men, or positions teaching men, or speaking during the Church service. You can disagree, but you'd be disagreeing with the Word of God. Own it.

In many church's today, their would be no preacher if not for
women. Not over a man, but in place of one because a male
preacher is nonexistent.

Our church is part of a conference of small country churchs in
Pa, and Md. There are I believe 7 churches, with 3 preachers.
Can't hire anymore. Cumberland Md church, 20 miles away,
ran an add. Assistant youth pastor, parsonage health insurance,
$35k/yr to start. 50 applicants. None for country church's.

Women are stepping into the gap men are leaving, and picking
up the load men aren't.

Don't really like it myself, and don't want a woman preacher in my
church. My wife would hate it. She is a bigger chauvinist than me!

Parents who say they have good kids..Usually don't!