I think many missed the point of church.
It has nothing to do with a building or how many people attend.
It has everything to do with the teaching of Christ and His ministry.
But in modern days people tend to view church as someplace to go to make themselves feel better while the whole time overlooking the real reason.
So because your church has few members and old at that and no new prospects tells me that they are not feeding people what people really need = The Gospel.
These “pastors” get up there and throw a 20 minute spiel about how to be good and maybe say something about politics in the world today while totally blowing past the duty they are supposed to be doing.
It’s no wonder we have women pastors.....who else is there?
Paul clearly and specifically stated in the Bible Gods views on women in the pastoral position.
Now we have people telling us that they believe the Bible through and through and totally skip over the part about women leadership in the church....you have to ask yourself??? Do they really believe? And the Bible answers that too....by their fruits you shall know them. = that is what’s in their heart.
Sure you can have a leity women pray for you, if she is living right and filled with the Holy Ghost her prayers will be answered but if not.....well...guess.
I’ve seen pictures posted of women wearing slacks (clothing which pertain to a man) And cut hair... Paul talks of that too.
So with that I won’t tell you that the Methodist people are going to hell....there is plenty of other denominations that also fallow their own rules and regulations that are nowhere near Bible teachings...
It’s too late for the world but what people need to do is wake up and realize the denomination won’t take them to heaven but a walk with Christ in their life is the only way.
Get ready people......you are all about to find out which direction you will be going if you continue the way you are.

It Will be soon.
