Originally Posted by PSE
Paul had a lot to say about a women's role in the church (basically no prominent role) and role in the household (subservient to the man).

A modern woman would rip his throat out - just saying!

That's the main thing about Paul's writings that I have had problems with. Women were looked upon in Biblical times as more like property than as equals, and I don't think we can apply it to modern times. Does that mean that men should take a back seat, and let women lead...........not at all, as I still believe men were designed to be the leaders. But, to tell the women to shut up and sit there, and don't say a thing while we men make every decision, is a no-no.

When I think back at the people who had a strong Christian influence on my life, there were more women than men. I also believe there are probably more women who will enter into Heaven than men. White it's often said that women are too emotional to do this, or do that, we men often let our testosterone dictate what we do, so neither is perfect.