Originally Posted by hatari
I asked a rabbi one day to explain this for me. He told me:

- Jews don't hunt. The Torah speaks against unnecessary pain and suffering to animals

- Jews are more more urban than farmers. Jews didn't come to the US for 40 acres and a mule. As immigrants who were fleeing one trouble or another, they brought education and a trade that they applied in the cities. No much need for guns in the cities, other than self defense

- Jewish law expects Jews that succeed to help those who struggle. They are opinionated and educated and nimble debaters. That makes them good politicians. They like to talk and are good at it. This is also why they support the Nanny State and welfare. They feel it is their moral obligation to help the disadvantaged. That is rooted in helping Jews that recently immigrant get going in the new land. They have no qualms about using public fund to help others. They think that's the role of the government

True or false, that's the way it was expalined to me.

Sounds about spot-on to me.

A wise man is frequently humbled.