Originally Posted by Jim_Conrad
So what are you talking about now?

Half the country is "conservative".....but thats not good enough for you? You have to hate joos too?

We should abandon the easy win....converting others....to go after the hard defeat?

We are getting outworked 4 to 1.....and still we are half "buzzword".

I'll try to allay your confusion. Sorry if I was talking too fast.

I've tried to tell you that I don't hate "joos", assuming you are actually talking about Jews. You are the one who said half the country is conservative. You are also talking about converting the other "half" of the country as the "easy win" when by the numbers, it would be much easier to relieve the snake of its head, as I already tried to tell you. I have no idea where you come up with your numbers or how you define "buzzword" but whatever works for you. It's like you're ignoring what I've said in answer to your questions and going off on a tangent of your own.

The head of the snake is where its intelligence lies. The rest just follows what the head does. If you want to convert something and the head is not convertible, then buy the MSM and thus, convert it.