EthanEdwards: When I was contemplating moving to Montana 24 - 25 years ago I found an "almanac" and actually read in that volume that there were less than 1,000 Jewish people in Montana at that time (1995'ish).
IIRC the number was 886, at that time, but it was NOT the reason I was reading that almanac - I was interested in the climate and the number of negro's in Montana back then - very few black folks in Montana it turns out. I will say that, but the ones I have met and interacted with have ALL been fine people and upstanding citizens.
One of my favorite black Montana citizens is a gentle-lady who comes to many gunshows and sells woven baskets and nick-nacks. I very often converse with her and she is righteous in my humble opinion.
Some of the "imported" negro college athletes have been less than "model citizens" here - but that type immature stuff happens in every state.
Isn't that America?
Hold into the wind
P.S.: At that time there were 900,000 residents of Montana and that would average out to just less than one person in 900 was of the Jewish religion.