Originally Posted by jorgeI

I didn't forget it NOR did I justify the whole concept of the Corridor, which was clearly a poke in the eye at the Germans for starting WWI (they did you know). I was just addressing what constitutes starting a war. Polish aggression? lol. You must have quite a library of Leni Riefenstahl films..

Do you dispute that more than 300 Germans living in Poland were randomly executed by the Polish Army just days before the German invasion of that nation in an effort to put a stop to the slaughter? This was the pinnacle of Polish aggression against ethnic Germans in Poland. It wasn't a one off affair.

PS Austria (not Germany) declared war on Serbia after a Serbian assassinated the Arch Duke. This was the start of WWI. Was it the assassination that started it? The Austrian declaration of war? The allies of Serbia joining in against Austria, and her allies? All the above? But it wasn't Germany.