Originally Posted by Jim_Conrad
Thats a big, powerful well protected snake. I dont understand how that would be "easy".

I would just as soon cut off his food supply.
The food supply you are talking about, as best I can tell, are all the Dems in the country. I'd call that 1/3 of registered voters with another small percentage, hangers-on who can't vote due to whatever reason. Exactly how much money do you think these parasites contribute to people like Bloomberg or Bern? What is their contribution other than a vote? Their votes are for sale too, just like those who are owned in Congress. Only they're a lot cheaper. I fail to see how in hell you're going to convert them when they are even more gullible than their counterparts you are calling "conservative", when their primary source of info is the MSM which is wholly owned by Globalists. You are either so totally confused that you don't know what you're talking about or are just talking to pass away time. Again, I question why you would even care about the "joo" part of this.