Originally Posted by noKnees
I was thinking of bringing breathable stocking foot waders and light hiking boots as back up to my rubber boots.

I like this combination better. I use either Jungle boots or hiker style wading boots like Danners. A lot of hippers have over sized neoprene booties so look around for a more fitted pair.
Originally Posted by JGRaider

I'm wondering if a guy could wear waterproof hunting boots and gaiters instead of knee high rubber boots?

I have used gore-tex snake boots as an alternative to rubber boots. If I treat the outside with Obenauf wax they usually stay waterproof for at least a full day. But bring these as a back up to rubber boots in case it doesn't work out. Also the vapor liners and seal skins socks make it so it isn't too bad if they leak some. Just test them thoroughly before bringing them. Bring boot dryers too if not too limited on weight.

"When you disarm the people, you commence to offend them and show that you distrust them either through cowardice or lack of confidence, and both of these opinions generate hatred." Niccolo Machiavelli