Got in on a round barrel run back 2010 did not have to wait 1.5 years like normal. Rounds and bull barrels are built in batches then they go back to normal production of octagonal. You guys quit Jacking Off and call Shiloh tomorrow maybe you can have a gun in less than 6 months. I know what I'm talking about. Yeah mine is a business rifle chambered tight original style 45 2 7/8", checkered steel shotgun butt, fire blued screws, bone & charcoal finish, semi buckhorn and a 30 " heavy rd barrel with. Sling swivel studs. Normal business rifle barrel is 28" ,I asked for 30 " they said they could do that and I said will it look like the #2 Creedmoor Silhouette barrel ? And she said that's what it will be. Only made 2 mistakes that I would rectify if doing it over. 1 I'd order the polished barrel( originals were) and damned if I wouldn't tell them to hand select atleast semi fancy wood. Mine was ordered std and I got 2x4's in my wood pile with better looking figure in the wood.. I call mine the all Business Rifle cause it will work from 10' to 1 mile. MB

" Cheapest velocity in the world comes from a long barrel and I sure do like them. MB "