I only know one guy who ordered a bride. She is from Thailand, nice looking and collage edcuated, in Thailand! After a couple years, he quit paying taxes, then stopped working. Then left her here, and moved to Thailand, married another one! The one he left here worked and paid his the house off, and got the title. She then took him to court and received a judgement! In the meantime he is still in Thailand, living in the north on some schitt hole farm, with his new brides extended family. He wants to get out of there but faces, court and tax issues if he returns! Not to mention no place to live here! Last I heard the feds are holding his SS, and he can't fight it because he needs to be here for hearings! He was one of those in high school, that never dated because he was odd. Couldnt talk to the girls, and probably never got laid, except by mother thumb and her daughters! His brother was the opposite, and always had some gal hanging on him! The brother keeps me informed on his adventures! He calls them the adventures of my stupid brother!