My granduncle, if there is such a thing, brought two cousins home from the Korean deal. They both lived with him as his wives cooked cleaned shopped as a threesome but he never admitted to threesomes in bed with them though he never denied it either. They lived with him well into his 50s then wanted to go back and visit their kin folks so he took them for a month. When he came back 1 stayed in S. Korea and another great looking 30 something came back with him and his original "wife". She soon had a belly bump and Uncle Bud said he didn't know for sure if it was his or not but he did not seem to care either way. Years later after he put that baby girl thru college and she became some sort of engineer the original second wife came back and the engineer moved out of town.
Uncle Bud passed away a few years back never admitting to threesomes or who the baby's father was.
True Story