The guy who you barred from your land must be incredibly stupid to think that he could insult you like that and not suffer some pushback.

EDIT: I had a guy park his travel trailer on some land that I used to own in NH. I reported the trespassing to the town police, the county sheriff, and the state police. They left their business cards and asked the owner to contact them, but nobody, to my knowledge, ever contacted them. I finally met with the town police chief and the county sheriff to see what I could legally do to evict this squatter. They told me that since I'd never met the guy, or even seen him on the property, I could consider the travel trailer and all of the other stuff to be trash that had been illegally dumped and had a right to remove it from the property. So I contracted with a guy to remove all of the trash. I never heard from the guy who owned the stuff, but I heard that he had family in the area who had told him that it was land owned by someone, me, who lived out of state who never visited the property. Someone even put up "No Trespassing" signs to keep others out. Talks about chutzpah!

Last edited by 260Remguy; 07/03/20. Reason: Added comment