This shcitt ain't new. Back in the 60's we had perennial battles with pheasant hunters thinking they were owed free access to our 300 acres of deeded ground.

Fences were cut, gate posts were pulled, and cables were broken. House cats were killed. Cows, dogs, and horses were found with pellets under their hide. Bird shot bounced off the roof of the house with toddlers playing in the yard. Firearms were discharged and court appearances were made. Several tickets were written by deputies for trespass, and I actually signed a ticket for the game warden to cite a trespasser for ground sluicing a pheasant on our property from a public road. And then I retrieved the bird, and cooked it. LOL

The really sad thing is, most of the worst offenders were Boise businessmen carrying fancy guns behind fine trained dogs, and driving brand new 4x4 pickups or Suburbans.

The point being, Dad purchased the 300 acre property in 1968 for the grand sum of $12,000. Those worst offenders probably had that much wrapped up in guns, dogs, and vehicle between 3 or 4 of them. But they had better things to do with their cash than purchase property, so they thought they should be allowed to trample ours.

One once even made the comment as he looked around with a sneer on his face. "I could buy and sell you guys." I told him "Get to buying, everything is for sale if you have the cash. But you have not bought it yet!"

Being a big mouthed 16 year old, I asked one such trespasser one day for his address. Do you have a nice big lawn? How about a swimming pool?

He replied yes, but why do you want the address?

Well, I am planning a big family get together and picnic. About sixty of us. We will need a big lawn and a pool would be nice.

He sputtered and spit and stammered about how that is not the same thing at all. I asked How so?

Attitudes have changed with the times in Idaho. Trespassing will cost your your license today. No need to post anything today. It is the hunter's responsibility to know where the boundaries are to private property. Even unfenced range land. You better have a good GPS and mapping program.

People who choose to brew up their own storms bitch loudest about the rain.