Got a couple places I hunt , one is a club lease and even though we pay to hunt there , once a year we get together and bring chain saws , weed eaters , skid steer with bucket , and go over the place , picking up trash along the road front , mending roads across the property , cleaning up downed limbs and weed eating .
So far everyone has remained happy .
Another place I hunt , my daughter in laws grandma owns 140 acres and it is great . Half hardwoods and half corn and grazing land .
Stopped in to see her a few months ago as I had noticed the gate was open and cattle were gone .
She had gotten tired of the farmer who leased her land and not keeping up the fence , the pastures were growing up in briars , had noticed the run down in the last four years myself .
Anyway she was distraught that the place looked like it did , so I told her I could get someone to bush hog it if she would like . She said yes and let her know how much he charged . So I contacted a fellow and had him come over and showed him what she wanted done . 450.00 for the fields , not sure how many acres , 40 maybe .
When he called and said he had it done I went by and told her . She wanted to know how much she owed me , I said well let’s ride back here and see if you’re happy with it . Got her in the truck and back the lane we went , man you should have seen the smile that lady had , almost cried , thanked me over and over . Then she said , well how much ? I smiled and said Francis I have hunted here for four years and you wouldn’t let me do a thing for you , so if you don’t mind I would like this to be on me and Jeremy , we want you to know we really appreciate a beautiful place like this to hunt .
The look on that woman’s face was just about overwhelming , made me feel down right warm and fuzzy it did .