Originally Posted by jimmyp
I did try an anderson receiver that had pin walk, fixed with KNS pins, but other than that I don't own any bargain basement guns, as a woodworker and the son of a carpenter I learned early "buy the best tools that you can afford". The Makita will still be running after you have thrown 3 Ryobi's in the trash. I also think its funny when people say "I am just buying a gun to have fun with, a range toy" a gun that is not reliable is never fun and often quite dangerous. You can buy2- 3 PSA's for the price of one DD, figure that one out at your leisure.
It isn't the gun, some people just have to buy something/anything. Men, it's guns; women it's clothes or shoes. I get customers like that all the time. They need the fix of the purchase more than the object itself. They don't really shoot their guns that much. It's sad, really.