OK guys, my last on this before I end up in a rubber room.
The dreams are back, I wake up five-six times a night to weird dreams.
I do not want this generation to face the same things I once again am.

You got to realize something, wars are usually fought for
economic or religious reasons. We may be told it is for high moral
principle, I for one don't buy it for a minute. Many of us see this
and are fairly pragmatic about it. Some in particular, are pretty
strict Constitutionalist and believe in smaller government and
less involvement in others fights. Others think we should mind
our own business and get on with economic matters. They are no
less patriotic for their views IMHO.

I was opposed to this war from the beginning, I can see where
9/11/01 has nothing to do with Saddam, not that he isn't evil, just
that at this point he is an easy "feel good" target for Americans
to focus on. I still see no "Clear and Present Danger" from him to
cause so many Americans to be put in harms way over. Just like
the anti-gun people scream "For the Children", GW has been
screaming "WMD", "Look what he has done to his own people".
He may be a threat to the local area, he is not us. "Show me the
Money" and how he could use them on this country. I could not
give a big hairy rat's ass what he does to his people, they have
him, not us. Let them rise up against him, like we did the British
200+ years ago!

My loyalties lay with the men and women on the pointy end of
the stick, once engaged they deserve nothing less than our
unwavering support. They didn't start it, they are the
Governments tools, as my generation was, they have only control
over staying alive over there and returning to their families. That
is where I draw the line, I worry about them and will never
undermine their efforts as so many did when I was in RSVN. This
is why I quit my open negative remarks about it once they we
engaged. I too get a little upset when some continue now that it
is too late to stop it, but that is what makes us unique. We have
the God given right too!

I still think our Government is wrong in involving us in this mess,
as well as the UN being as much to blame as Saddam for lack of
action in the beginning. But, we should have stayed focused on
the terrorist's and their networks that did attack us, not find a
scape goat to divert attention. Hell most, if not all the 9/11
tango's, including Bin Laden were Saudi, why didn't we attack

I have been to an unpopular war, and I know it's horrors on a
personal level while being in it and the aftermath once back in
the world. That will keep me supporting our troops, not any high
moral principle, real or imagined. I will not blindly back a
Government out of control of the people that are supposed to
control it according to it's Constitution. We need to take back
control of it, and quit being a nation of sheep that no longer think
or question what it is doing.

If you think that makes me less than patriotic, so be it. I want MY
country back, I am tired of the Socialist community it is
becoming! I can think for myself, I do Not need a benevolent
patron to take care of me. I need a Government that is
responsive to the principles it was founded upon and run "Of the
People, By the PEOPLE, For the People"! Not the Madison
Avenue, we will take care of you, don't worry, we know whats
best for you, even if you don't kind we have now.

George Orwell was a Prophet, not a novelist. Read 1984 and then look around you!

Old cat turd!

"Some men just need killing." ~ Clay Allison.

I am too old to fight but I can still pull a trigger. ~ Me