Much as I hate to agree with Barak, I think you're way off the mark when you say;

Oh, and as far as the military coming after you, they'll do as duly elected officials tell them. Boy am I glad Al Gore isn't President.

Last time I checked, everyone in the military takes an oath "to defend and protect the Constution of the United States against all ememies, foreign and domestic." Any order that violates the Constitution violates that oath. Therefore it's an illegal order and need not be obeyed. Just because someone is a "duly elected official" doesn't mean that they're not a domestic enemy and therefore can't be in violation of the Constitution. Just how far do you think Al Gore, Chuck Shumer and Diane Feinstein will go to protect your rights. They all are or have been "duly elected officals" and none of them give violating the Constitution a second thought. These days our own Congress is our worst enemy. The current practice in Congress these days is to vote for any bill you support, no matter how shaky the constituional ground that supports that bill and letting the courts sort out whether or not it passed constitutional muster, rather than determining whether or not a bill is constitutional before the vote and refusing to vote for any bill that violates the Constitution no matter how strongly you believe in the cause that supports the bill. But I digress. Bottom line is that any order that would attempt to use the U.S. military forces to subjugate the civillian population of the United States in any way would be an illegal order and every member of the U. S. military would have the right, and the duty, to disobey it. Anything less would be a violation of the oath you swore and the Constitution of the United States. And don't start thinking I don't know what I'm talking about. I took that oath 30 some years ago, and although I may have been released from active service, nothing can release me from that oath.

As far as the rest of your post to Barak goes, give it a rest. He doesn't get it and he'll never get it. If he wants to remain ignorant and selfish in the belief that he and his rights are more important than anyone else's that's his right, and he has as much right to believe that as I have to have to my opinion. He seems to think that he is some sort of intellectual bringing enlightenment to the uneducated masses. That's fine. That's his right. He doesn't have to agree with you or me or anyone else. If you don't understand why he feels that way that's fine too. If you have a problem with it then you need to give some serious thought to what you were serving for all those years and the oath that you took.

Go tell the Spartans,Travelers passing by,That here,Obedient to their laws we lie.

I'm older now but I'm still runnin' against the wind