Never. Might have had a dozen swats but no suspensions. We got swats in shop classes for safety violations. PE for not dressing out or not showering after class. No parents were ever notified. I don't recall the vice principal ever swatting anyone. My high school had a smoking area and I would sometimes see a teach out there bumming a smoke from a student. I saw the boys principal out there smoking a couple times.
Got my kids kicked out when I turned them loose on a bully in 8th grade. I asked the principal to make it stop. He thought maybe my son had something to do with it. I told Matt to wait in his last class of the day and his brothers to walk out with him. They walk out and there's the bully, too stupid to think about the two larger brothers with him and to keep his mouth shut. So I'm picking them up from school that day and they come running to the car. I asked what happened and they told the story and left it with the kid crying when they were done. It's kind of funny that Matts twin Jon has always had a real strong sense of right and wrong so beating on that kid was appropriate. The younger brother was a handful, still is but he just thought the beat down was kind of funny. I think we went dirt bike riding on their day off.

Fight fire, save lives, laugh in the face of danger.

Stupid always finds a way.