I got up and watched the debate at 0300 so I'd be fresh to watch it.

I have a few reactions to the debate that have not been voiced so far. First off, I think Biden did far better than I had anticipated. I'm not a Biden supporter by any means. I do don't think he won the debate by a long stretch. I do think he survived this debate. I don't think voting for Joe is going to collapse. However, that leads me into my second point: I think he did way to good a job of explaining himself and his policies. On issues like COVID, he's for way more governmental control than most people are willing to accept. I think he's much too divisive on issues of Race for it to be pallatable. I also think a good number of his responses (remarkably cogent as they were) were about a decade out of date.

Next, let me give you KYHillCHick's reaction: she could not get over Biden's eyes. She called them "demon eyes" and "X-Files eyes." I think they were just dialated pupils, probably from whatever bug juice they gave him so Joe didn't fall asleep at the podium. However, those eyes were a huge turnoff for the 'HillChick. I'm sure a bunch of other folks saw them too. I wasn't creeped out, but she was.

Whenever I hear "I'm going bring in a panel of experts . . ." or "we're going to assemble the best minds. . ." I understand exactly what's going down. The speaker doesn't have a clue, doesn't have a plan, and is filling the time with empty hoo-haw. If you go back to the debate transcript, you'll see Biden did a huge amount of this on issues of Law and Order and the Environment. I'm sorry. If you don't have a plan better than "form a committee" you're a doofus. It's no better than Obama's blue-freakin'-ribbon panels and fill-in-the-blank-summits. Last night was the time for big plans with bold strokes, The committees and the think tanks should have already concluded and a plan adopted.

Lastly: Don't piss on my leg and tell me it's raining, Joe. I suffered a major career meltdown during the Obama years. I went through 99 weeks of unemployment and still couldn't find a job. I had another bout of 26+ weeks unemployment just before Trump took office. I lost many $10's of thousands of dollars of wages in the Obama years and dramatically had to pull in my horns to make things work out. I had to take crappy jobs in crappy companies in crappy towns that were hours away from home. The last thing I need to hear out of Joe Biden's piehole is how great the economy was in the Obama years. Obama said my job was never coming back, Joe. His stinking "Affordable Care Act" health insurance cost me $5000 for first month's premiums. When I bitched about it, some social justice warrior told me that was paybacks for my white priviledge. My luck turned around just after Donald J. Trump took office, and it's been nothing but blue skies since. Joe, you and your turdboy president were a major source of unhappiness for 8 stinking years. Bite me, Joe!

Genesis 9:2-4 Ministries Lighthearted Confessions of a Cervid Serial Killer