Originally Posted by EthanEdwards
Originally Posted by Tarquin
Originally Posted by JamesJr
The leftist news media are having a fit this morning because Trump refused to condemn White Supremacy. What Trump did was to remind everyone that it's not White Supremacists who are the problem, it's ANTIFA, and although he didn't say so, BLM as well.

And all he had to do was condemn white supremacists to take that issue completely away from them.
Horse shixt. The Left's definition of white supremacy is any Republican or Conservative. Basically anybody that's not them.

Tarquinius needs to realize that he needs to take a knee and renounce his shameful whiteness, his white privilege, the constitution, gun ownership , hunting and denounce the white state of Idaho first before he can begin his journey to a Marxist American paradise as laid out in the Democratic platform.

Tarquin’s too slow realize that as a white boomer male gun owner living in a white supremacist fly over red neck state like Idaho that he is the definition of “ racist white supremacy “

I’m sure a reasonable discussion with a Democrat like Biden or AOC will change their minds

Amazing how dumbed down America is now.