Disappointed in Trump during parts of this debate. He did have a couple of great one-liners and was on point with answering the questions. Where he really missed out was on several opportunities to just let Joe be Joe. As an arm chair quarterback I would suggest his team let's him give the creeper some breathing space. Normally in a title fight you get the guy on the ropes and don't let up but this is a different kind of opponent. Back off Sir, and let the man hang himself. No one wants to see an Alzheimer's patient get mugged, even if he is on some of the finest medical grade meth available. You, Mr. President, robbed not only yourself but the entire nation the exquisite opportunity to let 'Stammerin Joe' completely fall apart...I mean he did, just not to the extent he could have. If he can't talk, he can't gaffe.

That said, I will likely remain unsatisfied during this election on media refusal to follow up on some of the points made. Did Joe's son not get paid what can only be called an extraordinary salary to perform work that he was at best questionably qualified. If so, why? How did he get the jobs and what did he do while 'rendering' his services? Even with my personal delusions of grandeur I have not yet concocted a scenario where I could earn $50,000 or more per month. I mean that kid must be S-P-E-C-I-A-L. Joe should be PROUD to answer questions about how he deserved that kind of work and beat out the competition with his awesome skills.

Finally, It's perfectly fine to call out white supremacists. That contingent is like 5 guys that live in their mom's basement...or jail. OTOH Biden cannot call out the socialist ticket, he is too tied to it. Middle America is not knowingly up for all out communism. Try this "I completely condemn racist violence of any kind and white supremacy would certainly qualify. Say Joe, what is your stance on domestic terrorist organizations like ANTIFA?"

Liberalism; The impossible yet accepted notion that it is entirely possible to pick up a turd by the clean end.