If someone would like to point out the flaw in the reloading program I would be very grateful so it could be avoided in the future.

He had a cartridge fail to chamber by, in his words, about an 1/8". I'm not seeing an 1/8" as a reloading procedural problem. Ammunition is built in batches, not one a day over the course of months, with the dies constantly being reset between single loadings, thereby introducing the potential for operator error.

The dies are set, a batch is produced at those settings. As mentioned, this batch of ammunition was being used in three different 300 Savages that day. I helped him sight in his sons and grandfathers 300's while he sighted in this 99R. He had already fired several rounds when he had this one fail to chamber. He took it home and blew the gun up at home.

If it has to do with the reloads, I need to understand how. Of course we considered the possibility, but so far can't make a connection.

Maybe *more crimp on the bullet would have prevented the bullet from pushing into the case? Maybe that's the answer?

An 8 dollar driveway boy living in a T-111 shack