If we talked about nothing but pure "collecting" (and define "collecting" by-the-by)), there would be nothing but the sound of crickets chirping here for days/weeks on end. We've discussed all aspects of 99's ad nauseum and need to branch out a bit to keep the camaraderie going. This forum long ago morphed into more than just discussion about a narrow field of gunnery.

Why limit yourself to only flat based jacketed bullets? There's a whole world of choices out there. I for one choose the bullet that best meets the occasion, be it flat based cup-and-core, boat tail, monolithic, or cast lead. Narrow devotion to a singular approach is anathema to me. My gear is a bewildering assortment of equipment from many manufacturers- selection thereof based on what is best for the task at hand. The common thread at my bench is a devotion to anal retentive routine when loading, no matter the components and tools being used.

Sure, we've all had close calls of some sort. The thing is did we learn from them? Tossing around ideas, spitballing possible causes/solutions, getting to the bottom of an issue, etc. is one way how we humans learn to avoid having similar issues. No man is an island.

Everyone has a different outlook. Mine simply has a freewheeling aspect, with a healthy dose of open-mindedness mixed in, mixed with a sense of humor about the human condition.

"You can lead a man to logic, but you cannot make him think." Joe Harz
"Always certain, often right." Keith McCafferty