Originally Posted by mtnsnake
Vote republican for everything. Then the USA stays alive and free. Otherwise, the democrat/republican anti-American/socialist/communist/marxist/liberals win and freedom will be gone along with anything which was the USA. That will include our guns, much higher taxes, Constitution, and our way of freedom in our life. You can kiss the churches goodbye too. Then get ready to learn to speak chinese. The democrat anti-American/socialist/communist/marxist/liberals should be removed from office and off all the ballots for they offer nothing for America or the American people to help make the country better. Their choice is removal.
I hope you aren't depending on Republicans for our salvation. Ruth Ginsburg was confirmed with a 96 to 3 vote. With a few exceptions Republicans are only slightly better than avowed Democrats and socialists. The USA does not stay alive and free. It will thrash about a while longer and die. Sorry to break it to you but we are bankrupt and owned by international bankers. What are the chances we will tell them to take a hike that we aren't paying. You think those trillions of fake dollars they gave didn't have a mortgage attached?

Patriotism (and religion) is the last refuge of a scoundrel.

Jesus: "Take heed that no man deceive you."