Originally Posted by CCCC
Originally Posted by Ranger_Green
Here in California on my one hour morning commute I hear ads on the radio for realtors specializing in helping us Californians escape to Free America; most notably Idaho and Montana. - - - - - - It looks like Utah for me and the girls. Decent people with great standards of behavior. I will do my best to fit in and not wreck anything.
Tracy you will be welcomed anywhere, and those lovely daughters as well. As noted some time ago, there are some places in Southern Utah which seem a really good fit for what you seek - but selfishly I would rather have you nearby in AZ. Just be sure get close enough that you can be at all of our SW Campfire get togethers.

This means a lot to me Sir. Thank you very much.

The topic of this thread is very real. I have been going through realtor's multiple listing sites (MLS) for at least five years. The sharp increase in housing prices got even more extreme in July, after the death of St George Floyd while in police custody. The madness (leftists machines) that have gripped the country have pushed a lot of people over the line. This line is the line of decent society, which California has famously lost years ago. Northern Arizona, my presumed target, climbed out of my reach. Everywhere a Californian would go had gone crazy. The prices that are affecting me, though, are for locals and natives that are being pushed out of their areas by the influx of Californians.

Funny observation: For years in San Francisco the most liberal people were often just rebels from small town America trying to live a Hollywood fantasy. They couldn't speak french otherwise they'd move to Paris. Those that could moved to San Francisco because Europe is gone but they would never admit that. If they did. it was Reagan's/Bush's/Trumps fault, not the reality of drugs and Muslims. All these people believe the Summer of Love was yesterday and it is an annual event like a street fair.

The Liberal policies that destroyed the Golden State live on. While typing this I heard over the radio of the retirement of a 40 year veteran of the California Highway Patrol (CHP). The announcement could hardly wait to mention that the man was black and that the Governor was selecting the FIRST FEMALE to head the CHP, She, too, is black. No other qualifications mentioned.

The reality and patriotism that September 11th had awakened has withered away. So has the memory of the hard times of the Great Recession under Obama. Fighting Leftist policies will be an unending battle.

Me solum relinquatis

Molon Labe