Why is the government mixed up in licensing and regulating marriage anyway? When did that start in this country? I do believe I have forebears that were married in the sense that they had a public religious ceremony but no government paperwork. Seems to me the government could just get out of marriage licensing and anyone wishing to could form a legal partnership and giving each other a limited or not limited power of attorney. The courts could step in as they do now when children have to be dealt with in the case of two parents going their separate ways or to settle the division of joint property. This health insurance problem I believe will soon go away when everybody gets Medicaid with no legal ability to pay for private medical care unless you leave the country. This way you could partner with and live with whomever you choose and marriage would be the for a church to deal with and leave the rest of us out of it.

Patriotism (and religion) is the last refuge of a scoundrel.

Jesus: "Take heed that no man deceive you."