Originally Posted by Torqued
Going to John Walls in Blairstown Mo. with my dad and grandad. The shop used to occupy most of one side of the main street through town. Remingtons in one building,Winchester's in another,Ruger in another and so on. Go to the appropriate building and start looking for the caliber,model,grade,etc that you wanted til you found the one you liked. Then go see John and make a deal. It is long since gone now,but it used to be the best place around to buy guns.

we live just a few miles north of blairstown. I went in there with my brother looking for a bolt gun , not sure what we wanted we spent the whole day digging thru box after box looking at so many we lost track of the ones that sparked an intrerest. we went back on saturday and started over. I found a beautiful rem with awsome wood my brother kept digging and had piled up a few to cull thru, when an old guy in overalls came in and yelled at us for being there. he took us down to the main building to see john wall and that old guy ripped us a new one for being in that building so late. come to find out we interupted the big card game that they started after they closed up the store. when we told john we finnaly found what we wanted to buy he laughed and laughed. we were there a couple hours after closing. those were the days!

teach your children well , ride hard, shoot straight, be involved!