Originally Posted by luv2safari

My sympathy lies with the new shooters who want to get into the sport but can't find guns or ammo. We knew better than to get caught with our pants down. The new shooters didn't, and hoarding has many potential new allies in our sport frustrated to the point of moving on.

We are seeing this in our local USPSA club matches. In the past year (even before COVID and the elections), we've had a lot of new shooters getting involved in the sport. Just when they have gotten really excited about it and having fun, now they are having a hard time participating because of the lack of ammo and the cost even if they find some.

We typically shoot 250-300 rds in a match and have 2 matches a month. For someone who isn't reloading yet (or just got started and can't get the supplies anymore), that is hard to do in this environment. So, I feel for those guys. For the ones who show up all the time, really help out with setup/tear down of stages etc, us old timers (in terms of doing this for a while, not necessarily age) have been rounding up resources to help them out and keep them going as much as possible.

"Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same." - Ronald Reagan