Good evening to you sir, I trust the first week of December treated you acceptably and this finds you well.

With the understanding that I've never seen a wolverine in the flesh here in our part of BC or anywhere else, a hunting mentor of mine told me the following tale.

In the '30's or '40's north of Ft. St. John where he lived and farmed, he'd killed a caribou and was packing it down a mountain in extremely heavy fog.

Somehow he heard or sensed something coming up on him and as he told it, he more or less shot a wolverine point blank, from the hip with his .30-40 95 Winchester.

He maintained that it must have smelled the blood more than him and that's why it was approaching as it did, as he said he'd never had that happen before or since.

Jake was a Mennonite farmer/hunter not prone to exaggeration generally so I'm going to believe him as he told it, but that's the only wolverine story I have to share.

All the best to you all as we head into winter.


The most important stuff in life isn't "stuff"