I've probably seen 10-12 Wolverines over the years, they always amaze me and are the highlight over whatever trip I happen to be on at the time. One year sheep hunting solo, sleeping in a bivy sack, had a gulo walk up to about 10 feet from my legs in the dark. He ran off after I sent a "warning" shot over his head.

Another time, while guiding a sheep hunter, watched a wolf chasing a wolverine for about a mile. Every once in a while that wolverine would turn around and the two would have a Mexican standoff. Then the gulo would continue on with the wolf in hot pursuit.

Watched a wolverine chasing a ram up a mountain one time, and this year while guiding a sheep hunter, was able to video a wolverine lope along about 100 yards below our glassing perch.

They are cool animals, every interaction I've ever had with them is quite the treat.