Originally Posted by Nebraska
Originally Posted by JakeBlues
Also, if you haven't done so yet, you should get a password vault. There are some free options out there that would be fine for most people. Lastpass and Firstpass are popular. Personally, I use Bitwarden for my password vault because it also allows me to integrate with my work multi factor authentication needs. But people need to get into the settings on their browsers, turn off tracking, and at least 3rd party cookies, and turn off password save and auto fill. It's more of a pain but much more secure to use a password vault instead of relying on your browser's security.

I use Avast Ultimate......is that a no-go?

I looked at the specs on their password manager module and it appears to be a pretty good product. That all assumed you're using the PW vault to save and auto fill credentials. If your PW data is also stored in the browser, it kinda defeats the purpose.

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