Originally Posted by MTDan
Originally Posted by HuntnShoot
Originally Posted by MTDan

This is a whole new level of idiocy here. First, what does "clinician" mean to you? What's your specific credential?

It's apparent you don't want to do anything other than smear her, simply looking at how you began your post.

Look at where she signed the damn thing, where she clarified her specific credential.

Seems the idiocy is in your mirror. It's better for all of us if you keep it there.

I'm not here to smear anyone, I'm here to object to the lies that are paraded around as science to unquestioning people.

The points she made are demonstratively and objectively false. Someone has to call out this kind of garbage.

She is a practicing clinician and an MD, meaning that she currently sees patients. What you are doing is libeling her.

Let's look at what passes for demonstrative and objective truth, let's say over the past 20 years, in another politically charged issue: catastrophic global warming. At least that's what it was called. But the science was settled. There was consensus. Obama dumped over half a trillion dollars into fraud companies that did nothing but walk away with the money because of it. Eventually, they couldn't even find scientists to ape the narrative, because it was manifestly so absurd, and none of its predictions had occurred. So they changed the name to man-made climate change, and have proceeded to call seasonal changes in the weather an inevitable extinction of humans unless we give all our freedoms away and live like it's the Dark Ages.

Tell me more about "demonstrative and objective truth". And make it fuucking believable this time, because I am tired of the overt absurdity of the whole [bleep] thing that requires 24/7 hammering on all media everywhere for anyone to believe it.

I belong on eroding granite, among the pines.