Originally Posted by MTDan
This is a whole new level of idiocy here. First, what does "clinician" mean to you? What's your specific credential?

So why is it that a single doctor who agrees with you is the Gold Standard of evidence, but the consensus opinion of every single professional organization of doctors doesn't matter to you? It's called confirmation bias. You latch onto evidence that supports your world view without giving it appropriate scrutiny.

You are so full of scheit.

You want proof? Here, is a F'ing Meta-Analysis good enough for you mr. brown shirt nazi?


Just be sure and review the bottom two charts REAL GOOD mr. brown shirt, because they drive a stake through your dead brain cells.

And if a F'ing Meta-analysis isn't good enough for you mr. brown shirt, how about a website of doctors around the WHOLE WORLD documenting Ivermectin works:


Do you get bonuses in your paycheck for giving the shot, mr. COMMUNIST brown shirt?

"He is far from Stupid"

”person, who happens to have an above-average level of intelligence

– DocRocket (In reference to ElkSlayer91)