Originally Posted by RMerta
I sent the OP opening statement of Dr Cole to my daughter who is an attorney with an advanced degree in biology/virology. She first pointed out this information came from a OB GYN. Second like MtDan she shredded about everything the doctor said.
Then she provided these links to bullet point #11

1. 42 U.S.C. §300aa (federal law; last amended in 1987): https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/42/300aa-22

2. 2018 SCOTUS ruling in favor of pharmaceutical companies (under Trump Admin): https://www.policymed.com/2011/03/s...-vaccine-makers-from-state-lawsuits.html

3. But you can still recover damages from injuries case by vaccines -- see the Vaccine Injury Compensation Fund: https://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2019/05/vaccine-safety-program/589354/

My doctor friend (internal medicine, med school faculty) just chuckled at the Dr. Cole letter. And just said “idiot” doctor and idiots following her.

Grandpa fought Fascists in WWII, Dad fought Communists in Vietnam. - American is meant for the middle.