Originally Posted by BC30cal
Top of the morning to you sir, I hope the day's looking to be a good one for you folks and all in your world are well.

While I'm not precisely taking issue with what you've said, the problem with shortages and inflationary pricing in any venue is that it'll reduce the number of new entrants into the activity.

Whether there's no Tee Times available at local greens, the deer herd gets decimated by several bad winters in a row or one can't find so much as a box of .22 rimfire - all will have a negative effect on the next shift coming into that activity. As we used to say on the boards of the gun club, the local church and any successful business, if there's not a replacement coming up behind you - you're beginning the process of obsolescence.

Then too, I'll opine that at nearly 60, it's no big deal to spend "X" on something silly "just because", but I vividly recall moving here to BC after losing everything farming, having the clutch go out on our car which absorbed the emergency fund and subsequently our Christmas gifts to each other was that clutch.

Not everyone has the income level to afford to stock up on non-essentials or even essentials for that matter, I've personally been there, done that and didn't have the notepad to write the book on, you know?

Anyways sir, none of that is to say we shouldn't plan for a better day and taking responsibility is never a bad thing in my view. Again though, I've been blessed far beyond anything I could have ever done to deserve it and am thankful for that each waking morning.

All the best to you and yours as we head into longer days and warmer weather sir.


If a guy feels like he has enough ammo for the foreseeable future, he could always support a 4H shooting program or two. Or supply ammo to the grandsons of co-workers who will use it to hunt.

I reasonably believe that I have enough rimfire to last my lifetime, and keep my children and grandchildren shooting for a fair while into the future. I won't sell a single rimfire round. But I won't see local kids who would like to hunt/shoot do without either. 2500+ rounds of .22LR since New Years...
Didn't plan for this
Didn't want this
Just how it is...

And I'm still buying when the price is right... Email notifications from reputable suppliers are the way to go, if you're able to act quickly.

"Chances Will Be Taken"