I'm not willing to be inconsiderate of the people that just turned 18 or 21 or even those who just realized they should be armed and skilled with their arms. I also don't resent anyone selling their property for the price of their choosing or what the market will bear at auction. They bought it. It's theirs to do with as they want. People are free to have their opinions too. I would just lament to see freedom in the market constrained by force.

Personally, I reload and I stocked up for 3 to 4 years worth of the components I use at the end of 2019. I've also slowed down my rate of consumption because of some classes and schools being canceled. I have not sold any because I expect to use it all. I am short on small rifle primers. I was not expecting to go through so many, but I am mentoring youth for deer hunting and they went through about 1200 last year. I have about 450 left. I never foresaw shooting deer rifles that much myself. I'd like for them to have more to practice with this summer, but if that doesn't happen, we'll certainly still be hunting. We only get one tag each around these parts.