The real question is...

Are current prices actually inflated... or is this just the new base line?

I would argue that building materials will never ever go lower than they currently are. A 2 x 4 is now over $6. I do not believe it will ever go lower than that again.

Same situation with steel and concrete.

We will never ever see $2 gas again. Most likely in 6 months it will be over $5 a gallon. There simply is no way to make the green industry to viable with low cost oil.

Many many people will argue that expensive oil is the fuel necessary for the innovative change to come.

And that expensive lumber will bring about new building construction innovations such as building a house with a 3D printer powered by solar and new age butterfly fart technology.

When capitalist markets are manipulated by the wealthy that control the political system... the rich get richer daily.

... and the poor become enslaved.

We have a systemic problem far beyond the price of ammunition and reloading components.

Last edited by CashisKing; 03/02/21. Reason: Damn phone typos

If you are not actively engaging EVERY enemy you encounter... you are allowing another to fight for you... and that is cowardice... plain and simple.