Originally Posted by wabigoon
How many millions of people have had the shot now? That is testing.

Maybe. Maybe not. The AstraZeneca vaccine has been pulled in many other countries because of problems but they are still giving it here. I work ambulance in a very small community, and no way Im taking it. They had two vaccination clinics about a month apart at the local community center. About a week or so after each clinic, our call volume went through the roof. Strokes and heart attacks. We had two deaths in one night. Im not qualified to say the vaccine caused these issues, but all of us on car found it very odd. Then theres the question of who's keeping track. Answer, nobody. They are watching for an allergic reaction, not strokes and heart attacks. We noticed it because we operate in a community of about 450 people. In a large city it might takes months before it became apparent something was amiss. The strange thing to me is the Astra vaccine is causing blood clots and bleeds, the same thing that causes strokes, which is what we are seeing. A good friend is in Vancouver right now recovering from a massive stroke after he got the Moderna vaccine. The long term affects are still unknown. For me the risk/reward just isnt there. I've already had covid and it was no big deal, much like it is for 98% plus of the people that get it.

If there was a contraceptive vaccine but after taking it you could still get pregnant, and you still had to wear a condom, would you still take it?? Thats how stupid this is.

Last edited by yukon254; 03/16/21.