There are things for which, due to my lifestyle, I would love to see vaccines against and some for which I have been vaccinated. A vaccine against Lyme's disease would be wonderful and I would sign right up. I wish we could figure out the cause of tick paralysis and vaccinate against that. I'm happy to have been vaccinated against tetanus. I am thankful everyday for the polio vaccine and I'm thrilled we don't have small pox. I don't care about HIV since the chances of me contracting that are virtually nil. I've had all the childhood diseases and suffered no ill effects. The Chinese Covid virus has been around for a year and not only have I not caught it, those I know who have, were not that badly affected. So, I may get vaccinated at some point but I don't feel any pressing concern. My risk is low and my immune system seems to work OK. GD.

Last edited by greydog; 03/19/21.