The anti-vacc’rs people were not all stupid or conspiracy nuts...even before this past year. But the events of 2020 have done more to cause distrust in all things government and medicine than any others in the modern past.

Take statistics that have been spun, governors that have become little Henry the Vlll clones, conflicting messages and lies from the media, anecdotes that don’t add up, and physicians that do not agree on medications with which to treat COVID-19. Some of it contrary to experience or evidence elsewhere.

Add making vaccines that normally require a four or five year process and truncating the whole thing to one year, abbreviating or leaving out some testing steps. And depending on your sources, add about half of frontline health care workers who declined being vaccinated.

Then there are the vaccines themselves and the horrible or fatal responses, whether statistically significant or not, that impress us by their nasty nature. There is the question of fetal material in the J&J vax, and mRNA in the Moderna one, the propriety or safety of which are reasonably questioned.

As an exclamation point, here in the US, add the utter incompetence or evil or both of the new administration, displayed in just a brief three and a half months, added to that party’s lawless response across the nation since last March.

If trust in government could now be measured on the Bell Curve in real time, in the US, it would be low and on the right hand side..

For example see the US’ New Medicine:

Last edited by George_De_Vries_3rd; 04/13/21.